He Is an Intelligent Monster. How Do You Know? He Ran From Me

Shani (d. 1340) was a medic, having studied at Oxenfurt Academy. She participated in the Battle of Brenna as part of the staff of Milo "Rusty" Vanderbeck'south field hospital and, many years after, she became the Dean of the Department of Medicine of her alma mater.

She died in 1340, 72 years afterward the Battle of Brenna, at 90 years former.[4]


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Studying at the Academy
    • ane.two Afterward Vizima
  • 2 The Witcher
    • 2.1 Associated Quests
    • 2.2 Journal Entry
  • 3 The Witcher two: Assassins of Kings
    • iii.1 Journal entry (Enhanced Edition)
  • 4 Hearts of Stone expansion
    • iv.one Periodical Entry
    • 4.2 Associated Quests
  • v Trivia
  • 6 Notes
  • seven Videos
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 References
  • x External Links


Studying at the Academy

In 1267, Shani was a 17 yr old, third twelvemonth medical pupil attending Oxenfurt Academy. Information technology'southward unclear how she and Dandelion met, but the ii were friendly plenty that when the bard came by to visit that year, he called her over from where she was sitting and the 2 pretended to flirt as Dandelion was being followed by some of Sigismund Dijkstra'southward spies. He then asked her to go and deliver a message to the witcher Geralt, who was hiding in Oxenfurt in his hunt to find the mage, Rience, and the two split off.

While she successfully found and delivered the message, she and Geralt also proceeded to engage in sexual practice before beingness interrupted by Dandelion and then Philippa Eilhart. Every bit the group discussed the reason Geralt was in the city, the conversation turned to Rience and Shani spoke upwardly, asking if he had a really bad burn down marker on one side of his face. With anybody looking at her in wonderment, Shani explained that tuition was too costly for her stepfather to cover all of it so she'd been stealing supplies from the school and selling on the side to a local named Myhrman. One day when conducting such business, Myhrman had been entertaining a guest he called "Master Rience" with a burn mark on his confront and who'd made unwanted advances at Shani before Myhrman told him to cut it out equally he however wanted to do business organisation with the medical student. With this new information, the grouping asked Shani to have them to the local, who was now Geralt's best lead in finding Rience.

That same night, Shani led them to Myhrman'due south home: a small belfry out in the waters that was only accessible with a describe bridge that Myhrman controlled. However, Shani convinced Myhrman to lower it and the group entered earlier Geralt and Philippa began to interrogate him on what he knew of Rience. Shortly after, Geralt was able to send a bulletin to the mage and the two met out on the streets, though Rience had brought several hired killers. After the mage ran, letting the Michelet brothers fight Geralt, the witcher speedily cutting all iv of them down. Shani, who'd been standing on the bridge with Dandelion, saw the men fall and screamed out, attempting to rush over and relieve them, simply Dandelion held onto her due to the dangerous situation. However, Geralt had been badly wounded and while he almost succeeded in killing Rience, Philippa cast a paralyzing spell on the witcher, letting Rience escape. With Geralt suffering from a not bad loss of claret, Philippa asked Shani, who'd at present joined them, to be ready to help as the witcher was going to pass out soon and would need to be patched upwards quickly.[five]

The following year, in March 1268, the Battle of Brenna took identify and she worked in one of the field hospitals under Milo "Rusty" Vanderbeck. Despite Rusty believing Shani was likewise young and would soon keel over from either exhaustion or from the gruesome operations, she proved she was quite capable of helping out. Even if she wasn't fully trained in other areas, similar sewing upwards a patient, Rusty simply told her to sew "red to carmine, yellow to yellow, white to white" which somewhen became a famous joke of hers many years later on as the dean of the Section of Medicine at Oxenfurt Academy.[four]

The following is considered game catechism only and may contradict Andrzej Sapkowski's works.

After Vizima

Later she left Vizima in 1270, she returned to Oxenfurt to finish her doctorate earlier opening her own practice within the city. Nevertheless, equally the city was part of Redania, this also meant she had to be prepare when chosen upon by Redania's Ground forces with various urgent matters.[one] By 1272, she was doing well for herself when she was ordered to assist with finding a cure for those being poisoned by something in the city's waters. This eventually led to her entering the sewers with a total army unit to try and find the unknown monster within, while she went to get fresh samples to make an antidote. All the same, they were attacked by the monster and Shani barely escaped with her life thanks to several of the men'due south sacrifices to get her to safety.

As she fruitlessly tried to save i of them, Geralt, having been sent on a split contract to kill the monster, ran into her here and together they explored the sewers to try and find the monster's lair, equally that was where Shani would likely discover a clean sample. Afterward they institute information technology, Geralt and then sent her to hide, with strict orders to run if the monster appeared. Following the witcher's instruction, she did run back abode, thankfully non being spotted by Ofiri soldiers who'd also entered the sewers to try and rescue their cursed prince.

Back in her clinic, she successfully created an antitoxin to heal those sickened by the toad's poison before Geralt approached her in one case more than, this fourth dimension requesting aid in learning the location of the Von Everec family catacomb. Equally it was a place known for beautiful compages during its prime, and as the witcher needed a censer only she could learn from the academy, she invited herself along to run into the crypt. All the same, to complete his task, this meant Olgierd'south dead blood brother's ghost, Vlodimir, took temporary possession of Geralt. Every bit Shani needed a appointment to a friend'due south wedding, she offered Vlodimir/Geralt to accompany her and he heartily agreed, not holding back on flirting with her.

With Vlodimir/Geralt by her side, the two had a good time at the wedding ceremony. Notwithstanding, she had to go think things over about where she and Geralt stood and concluded to just remain friends, as she needed someone who'd be dwelling at the terminate of everyday. Geralt then requested if she could expect into Olgierd some more than to learn exactly who he was. While she didn't observe anything in the books, she did acquire of a Professor Premethine Shakeslock who had known Olgierd.

If Geralt talks to her to learn more than: Shani helped Geralt into the locked down university then he could talk to Shakeslock, while she returned dwelling.

Shortly after, she packed upwards her clinic and left for the eastern front in Kaedwen, as the Redanian Ground forces had called on her to assist tend to their wounded in that location.

End of game canon content.

The Witcher

In The Witcher, Geralt meets Shani in the Outskirts of Vizima, trying to get into the city in order to help treat victims of the Catriona at St. Lebioda's Hospital. She is surprised to see him, because, as she tells him, "I heard you lot died". While in the Outskirts, Shani stays at the Inn, healing Geralt whenever he enters, and looking later on Alvin until Abigail takes him under her wing.

Once in Vizima, Shani can be found in St. Lebioda's Hospital during the day (roughly from 9:00 to 18:30), and in the streets or at dwelling during the evening, night and early forenoon. If Geralt visits her at the hospital, Shani will heal him.

She lives well-nigh the statue of the aesculapian snake off the merchant's surface area in the Temple Quarter of Vizima. Her apartment upstairs can exist difficult to get to because of Grandma who stands vigil downstairs. Information technology seems that Grandma has lived a full life but now, in retirement, she prefers to play spotter.

To get past Grandma, Geralt can utilise sweet talk, gifts (alcohol or a pair of gilded gloves), some orens, or a particular band. Sometimes this will gain him entry just that one time, other times permanent entry is gained.

Former Friend of Mine takes place almost completely in Shani'due south house. Over the form of the evening, nosotros larn that years ago, Dandelion interrupted something between Shani and Geralt. Later on the political party ends, and Geralt's thank-yous or apology, Shani reveals just what information technology was that the bard had and so rudely interrupted. If y'all give her a crimson rose, sex activity volition ensue.

The medic is also an invaluable resource during the witcher's investigation in Vizima. As the but medical professional, she is the only one who can conduct an autopsy. Luckily for Geralt, she is a friend.

In Chapter 3, Geralt is forced to cull a guardian for Alvin, his only options being Shani and Triss Merigold. If he chooses Shani, he gets a second adventure to know her better. If not, he neither sees nor hears from her again until Chapter Five, where she relocates to create a field hospital of her own, treating plague victims and the casualties of the battle, regardless of race or affiliation.

Associated Quests

Journal Entry

Shani, medic

Soon later I arrived in the Outskirts I met Shani, an associate from a long time ago, in quite dramatic circumstances. Shani is completely devoted to medicine, her passion, and she had enough to do in the Outskirts, so there was no fourth dimension for small talk. I got the impression that this sensible, intelligent girl likes me a lot.
I dragged Shani into the business organisation with Salamandra, and although the girl was in danger, it all ended well. Shani finished what she had to do in the Outskirts and returned to Vizima, to her house in the Temple Quarter.
Shani works at Saint Lebioda'southward Infirmary during the 24-hour interval and spends evenings at her lodgings in the Temple Quarter. She hates it when people disturb her at piece of work so it's best to visit her later in the twenty-four hours.
During the party Shani recounted her experiences during the Battle of Brenna, where she tended to the wounded. I have a feeling Shani has come to similar me a lot.
if Geralt left Alvin with Triss:
I left Alvin in Triss' care. Shani decided that I don't trust her and that I prefer the sorceress. She is angry with me, and it seems our affair is over.
if Geralt left Alvin with Shani:
I've decided to go out Alvin in Shani's care. The medic took my choice to be a proof of my trust. She decided that I similar her more than Triss, which only improved our human relationship.
Dandelion delivered a letter of the alphabet from Shani. The girl asks me to find Alvin, who has gone missing. Her letter exudes worry for the boy and me - Shani hopes to come across us both shortly and too hopes we can get a family unit.
I answered Shani's letter and explained my feelings.
Shani has moved dorsum to rebellion-torn Onetime Vizima. She is tending to the wounded of both factions in a makeshift field hospital.
I met Shani, or really a vision of her created by my mind, in the Ice Plains. The medic aided me as I pursued the Grand Master.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Journal entry (Enhanced Edition)

if Geralt left Alvin with Shani:

Some of you accept surely heard the rumors about the relationship that bloomed between the immature medic Shani and Geralt. I hasten to inform you that they are all true. I consider Shani a friend both true and old. Nosotros go back to the days when I lectured in minstrelsy at Oxenfurt Academy, and I was the ane to innovate her to the witcher. Upon Geralt'due south return to the living, they were reunited in Vizima, where the red-haired medic competed with Triss Merigold for Geralt'due south heart. She emerged victorious from the rivalry. The flame of their romance blazed bright, but information technology burned out quickly. Though a very immature woman, Shani proved more mature than the witcher, who had always institute relationships puzzling and hard. Geralt would dodge his obligations towards her, preferring instead to pursue the missions King Foltest assigned him. The medic quickly realized this flour would yield no breadstuff. She had a serious conversation with the witcher, and they parted amicably. Shani accustomed an offering to teach at Oxenfurt and left for that city, whereas Geralt followed Foltest to the lands of the La Valettes. After splitting with Shani, the witcher needed comforting and quickly establish solace in Triss Merigold'due south arms.

Hearts of Rock expansion

Tw3 journal shani.png

Journal Entry

Geralt entered the Oxenfurt sewers expecting to hunt down a hideous monster – so you tin imagine his surprise when down one of those chilly, slimy corridors he ran into Shani, an old and dear friend. Geralt and I had first met this extraordinary young woman years earlier, when she was just a coltish coed, but by this time she had grown into a dignified dr. and a fearless field medic for the Redanian Regular army.
This latter office had led her, and a unit of measurement of soldier escorts, to descend into the sewers. Their goal was to get together a sample of the venom spewed by the monstrosity squatting there. Geralt, a gentleman through and through, agreed to help her in her chore.
Geralt's encounter with Vlodimir von Everec reminded him that he and Shani had once shared passionate (though passing) feelings for each other. He besides became aware some remnant of these feelings was still lodged in his heart...
At times fate composes tales and so shocking no poet would cartel put his proper noun to them, for fear his public would mock them as overly outlandish. Such was the case when Geralt and the ghost of Vlodimir von Everec shared a body for an evening and accompanied Shani to the hymeneals of Aldona, her friend from the Academy. Some might accept let this unusual escort interfere with their enjoyment of the evening – but non Shani. Looking around at the tasteful wedding decorations, smelling the rich aroma of berry-laden rowan – a plant near and dear to her heart, one which summoned up addicted childhood memories – Shani felt the heedless carelessness of her younger years return and, charmed, threw herself into the thick of the festivities.
Ane matter is certain – Shani was not bored by the company of Vlodimir von Everec, who showered her with professions of burning desire and swept her off her feet with his maniacal energy. However when the 60 minutes came for him to return to the netherworld, she breathed a sigh of relief, for now she could spend some time alone with Geralt, who was much more than sensitive and predictable (though Vlod would probably just call him deadening).
A pleasantly-begun evening blossomed into a night of rapture, so settled into a golden dawn on the shores of a lake, serenaded by nature'south starting time awakening murmurs. Though Shani seemed delighted by this grade of events, the morning air had put her in a reflexive mood. She parted means with Geralt, explaining she had to remember through what had just happened.
Fate decreed Shani would not linger long in her hometown of Oxenfurt. For equally long as the war lasted, she was the Redanian regular army'due south to command, and her commander had decided to send her to Kaedwen, the conflict's eastern forepart. Before setting off she managed to inform Geralt about a certain Professor Shakeslock, who might be able to help with Gaunter O'Dimm. Geralt thanked his friend and they parted ways, hoping they would meet again, after or, quite preferably, sooner.

Associated Quests

  • Evil's Soft First Touches
  • Dead Man's Party
  • A Midnight Clear
  • Whatsoever a Man Soweth... (optional)


  • Shani is a common proper name in Hebrew which ways Kermes (a type of red dye). Some other possible pregnant is that her name is driven from the Hindi proper noun to Planet Saturn.


  • The Witcher:
    • In Chapter II, she tin exist found at St. Lebioda's Hospital during the day (9:00 to xviii:30), and at her identify or en route otherwise.
    • In Chapter III, she pretty much stays at abode.
    • In Chapter Five, she is at the field hospital. If Geralt chooses the Witcher / neutral path, and so later she will be in the Druids' cave.
    • In her starting time romance card she is reading what appears to be an illustrated erotic text. In the censored version, the text is likewise censored and devoid of images.
  • During the evolution of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, Shani was considered for an appearance in the game, but ultimately didn't make the cut.
  • In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, she's mentioned during Carnal Sins past Joachim von Gratz.
  • Shani is one of the few women who plays gwent and you can win the Olgierd von Everec card from her.
  • Correspondence addressed to Shani in Hearts of Stone indicate she has a family unit proper noun, however both the wedding invitation and the Redanian army orders curiously return the detail unintelligible.




  1. 1.0 one.ane The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone expansion
  2. In The Lady of the Lake she dies in 1340
  3. Co-ordinate to Philippa Eilhart in Blood of Elves, Shani was about 17 years quondam in 1267, making her built-in around 1250.
  4. 4.0 four.one The Lady of the Lake
  5. Blood of Elves

External Links

  • Gwent icon.pngSee the GWENT standalone game version card:Shani


Source: https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Shani

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